Internship Software Engineer
Madrid, Madrid
Researching, investigating and fixing a wide range of technical issues Performing research and analysis of exceptions data collected from Sentry (Sentry is a developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring platform), to suggest solutions.
  • Developing applications (design, coding, programming): Working requirements.
  • Documenting and testing with other engineers on design and coding, communicating with other departments and stakeholders to ensure that the design meets new solutions: Communicating with clients or supervisors to gather information about project requirements or to report progress on a project.
  • Collaborating with senior leaders: Providing support to engineering staff by answering questions about specific topics or processes.
  • Approaching problems and creating solutions: Conducting technical research to identify issues and propose solutions.
Habilidades necesarias
    Conocimientos necesarios
    • Kotline, Avanzado
    • Java, Intermedio
    Condiciones de la vacante
    • Duration: 12 months. Working hours: 40h per week. Payroll: 850€ the first semester and 1000€ the second semester. Meal allowance: 176€ per month (except August). With the possibility to include the al

    12 meses
    L-J de 8:00-14:00h y de 15:00-17:15h; Viernes de 8:00-15:00h
    € 850
    Formación académica
    Grado en Telecomunicaciones
    Grado en Informática
    Grado en Ingeniera Software
    Nivel académico:
    Curso mínimo:
    Curso máximo:
    Nivel de inglés:
    Nivel de Excel:
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